Sunday, May 20, 2007

so I woke up this morning with a dream, and it was the early morning dream, you know, the ones that you know are going to be short, and untrue. well yes, the dream, but ah, before that I was woken up to some barmy sounding classical music from my alarm, and that when it all started. I had made a tent with my blanket again, and was all huddled up, and the next thing I remembered was telling my mom my dream. but you know, when you try to tell people dreams, there's a lot of "and then this happened...and then....but wait,before actually.....and then... oh I almost forgot..." and pretty soon who ever is listening to your dream loses interest, because they think they had a better dream. so my mom though the same, that she had a better dream, and she started telling me hers, and it did kinda sound better. my mom dreams like its nobody's business. I mean seriously, so many dreams, and she remembers all of them, and she gets worried. I cant remember the number of times I've been woken up by her hugging me, or praying over me, because she had a bad dream with me in it. she's had a lot of Happy dreams though, you know not the nonsense dreams that I dream, but nice ones with my grandparents, and her brother and sister, and me in them.
i just dream about pink flamingos, and ugly rats, and school buildings, and waves, and subway cars that stop, and a station called Madrid, and freaky people, and barbie dolls, and pop and chips, and colours. and you know you don't really want to tell anyone those dreams, cos well, it doesn't have a point. you know you'll have a conversation, and some dude, trying to sound philosophical and deep would be like " so what does the flamingo mean..." and I'm thinking, nothing really, spare me the psycho spiel, so you nod, and smile politely, thinking, hey, I was just making conversation. and you realize, dreams aren't really that good conversation fillers.

also you know when you have a line from a song playing in your mind all day? like all the time? usually something cheesy? mine was I say a little prayer for you...
and in my mind Aretha Franklin is in a red sequined miniskirt, and her face contorts, in that amazing concentrated-singer-face and she's belting it out, and there's a huge chorus at the back moving in unison, echoing forever and ever, you'll be in my heart, and I will love you...
and the song ends there, and repeats, and repeats. I love it. and I want to do a happy dance every time I hear it. so I surreptitiously move my feet, just a little, and shuffle around just a bit, and it makes me happy. I love happy songs. much like happy squirmy kids. much like the happy squirmy kid who lives upstairs, who loves kisses, and makes yummy baby kissy sounds.

1 comment:

JDR said...

Glad you have your source of smiles and happiness :) Each one is precious in its own way.

Though I see the fear.